Scholarship for Christian Young People

Scholarship for Christian Young People

Last modified: 30. January 2025

The core mission of the Scholarship Programme for Christian Young People is to provide the possibility of studying in Hungary for young Christian students living in the crisis regions of the world and/or being threatened in their country because of their faith. After completing their studies, the scholarship holders will return to help their home community with their gained knowledge, and they will participate in the reconstruction of war-destroyed countries and contribute to improvement of social situation and preservation of culture of Christian communities.

Partner countries:

For the 2025/2026 academic year, the scholarship is announced for the citizens of the following countries: Lebanese Republic, Republic of Ghana, Republic of Niger, Republic of Chad, Republic of Iraq, State of Israel, Palestine, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Republic of Kenya, the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Republic of Armenia and Nigeria.

The Programme is managed by the Hungary Helps Agency.


  • Tuition-free education
    • exemption from the payment of tuition fee
  • Monthly stipend
    • bachelor, master and one-tier master level: monthly amount of HUF 166 600 contribution to the living expenses in Hungary, for 12 months a year, until the completion of studies; doctoral level: according to the current Hungarian legislation, for newcomers, it is monthly HUF 140 000 for the first phase of education (first 4 semesters) and HUF 180 000 for the second phase (second 4 semesters) for 12 months a year, until completion of studies;
  • Accommodation
    • dormitory place or a contribution of HUF 40 000 to accommodation costs for the whole duration of the scholarship period
  • Reimbursement of travel costs
    • HUF 200 000 /year
  • Medical insurance
    • health care services according to the relevant Hungarian legislation (Act No. 80 of 1997, national health insurance card) and supplementary medical insurance for up to HUF 65 000 a year/person

Please bear in mind that these provisions are only a contribution to the living expenses of the Scholarship Holders. It means that it does not fully cover all the costs of living and the students need to add their own financial resources in order to cover all living expenses in Hungary. All applicants are highly advised to check the expected living expenses both in Hungary and in the city that they wish to live in before applying.


CALL for Applications for 2025/26


Application deadline: 10th January 2025 (23.59 Budapest time)


Applications will not be considered in the following cases:


Applications will not be considered in the following cases:

a.) Hungarian citizens (including those with dual citizenships), persons
granted a refugee status (“menekült”), persons enjoying temporary protection
(“menedékes”), persons admitted for subsidiary protection (“oltalmazott”) and
persons granted humanitarian protection (“befogadott”), stateless persons
(“hontalan”), asylum seeker persons (“menedékkérő”) and persons who are
already settled in Hungary.
Please note: this requirement is not only for applicants but for Scholarship
Holders as well; it means that, e.g., if you obtain a Hungarian citizenship or a
refugee status during your studies in Hungary, your Scholarship Holder status
will be terminated automatically.

b.) Those applicants who apply for the SCYP Programme for the first cycle of
education who are not resident or domiciled in the same country of their
nationality or in an Official Development Assistance (ODA) recipient country.
This requirement does not apply to Scholarship Holders applying for the SCYP
Programme for the next cycle of education, e.g. bachelor Scholarship Holders
applying for master’s studies, master’s Scholarship Holders applying for
doctoral programmes.

c.) Applicants born after 31st August 2006 (= applicants under 18 years old as
of 31st August 2024).

d.) Those applicants who are registered self-financed/fee-paying students of a
Hungarian higher education institution at the time of the application deadline.

e.) Those former SCYP Scholarship Holders who were awarded scholarships
for full degree studies and who:

    are now re-applying for full degree in the same cycle of education

(non-degree studies, bachelor’s, master’s, one-tier master’s),
therefore, SCYP Scholarship Holders can apply for the
programme to continue their studies at a different cycle of
education, e.g. bachelor Scholarship Holders can apply for master

    or who have postponed the starting date of their scholarship

studies and did not withdraw their scholarship before the current
application deadline.

f.) Former Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Holders except if they apply
for the programme for the next cycle of education while they still have a
scholarship status at the time of application if they receive their degree until 31st
August 2024 (eg. a bachelor student may apply for master studies if they gets
the bachelor degree by 31st August, 2024).

Doctoral scholarships are available only for those who have completed their master’s
studies in the frame of the SCYP Programme in Hungary or are registered for the last
semester of their studies in the 2023/2024 academic year as Scholarship Programme
for Christian Young People Scholarship Holders.


For more information, visit Hungary Helps Agency's website

Operational Regulations in a brief
This one-page summary only gives an overview of the main rules of the programme:

For further details, please read the Operational Regulations (in effect as of 28 November 2024)



In case you want to extend your studies, according to the Operational Regulations, you have to submit your request for extension to to the universtity by fillin in the following form:

The following documents must be attached (uploaded) to your request:
support letter signed by the head of the institute
- transcript of records (list of subjects you have completed)

Deadline within the university in autumn semester: 15 November, in spring semester: 30 April ​​

In case you want to change your study programme and/or the language of instruction and/or the institution you have to submit a request to your institutional SCYP coordinator, Ms. Krisztina Csiba attaching the following documents:

- a Request Form signed by the scholarship holder
- an approval letter signed by the head of your current institute
- an acceptance letter from the new/receiving institution (in case you want to change only the language of instruction, there is no need for this)

Deadline in autumn semester: 15 November, in spring semester: 30 April



Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Ms. Krisztina Csiba Institutional Coordinator

Hungary Helps Agency